after the storm...

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Well as you know the county I live and work with has been devastated by Hurricane Ian! This is how the trees if not down how they look standing not your typical Florida look but just to give a picture of the aftermath. I am sure from the news you understand I am showing the lighthearted side, everything was affected by this storm.  I am safe and grateful that I have a wonderful support system my husband is amazing he was the leader and kept us safe. We evacuated in the hours prior to the storm headed east and came back as soon as we could. We have still no power at my home but run a generator daily to keep the food from spoiling. We have been blessed to have a family allow us into their home and now as of yesterday back on Wi-Fi. You really don't know how much you rely on the electricity, water, people to survive daily. We have been tested and happy to report I am calm, capable and lucky.   I can help our community grow and rebuild the beauty. Keep our cities in your prayers and thoughts there are a lot of people who lost everything and may not get the opportunity to go home. Furniture lost pictures ruined and broken homes. The first responders have been working so diligently trying to find and rescue the people. Linemen are amazing so many of them and we had power by day 8 after the storm at our families home allowing us to stay. Lessons learned, has been listening to warnings, stock up on supplies, have shelving 3 ft off the ground for important papers, try to have whole house generator or at least one generator on hand, propane for cooking, gas incase like we have learned they run out or hard to find open stations. Water, fill the bathtub before storm just in case lack of water, that has come in handy so many times through the week. flashlights batteries, stay calm and if in doubt just go follow the evacuation plan. We can replace things, but we cannot replace each other. Hope this finds whoever reads it well, know that Florida is a beautiful state with beautiful people that can and will build back even better. Very proud of our Governor, Sheriff, first responders, neighbors we are working together to help each other get through this disaster.

Thank you keep Florida in your thoughts and prayers and be kind to one another.